Aspen Chapel Gallery


Showing Everyday Life in the Roaring Fork Valley

February 15 - April 1 2023

Participating Artists

Alyson Baltzer

Molly Briggs

Kelsey Brunner

Michele Cardamone

Theodore Corwin III

Susan Drinker

Dick Durrance

George Hendrix

Summers Moore

Michael Quintanilla

Beckham Nettleton

George Soukup

Greg Watts

Visit our gallery open everyday
from 10 am - 5 pm
at the round-about or contact us to purchase artwork on-line.

Please scroll down to see our
Video Gallery and Information about our Non-Profit partner and Gallery Sponsors.

Check out our Video Tour of

(by clicking on video below)


In Partnership with the Aaron Robert-Gray Memorial Scholarship at the Aspen Community Foundation.

The scholarship in memory of Aaron is for a male high school senior to assist
with the cost of attending a college, university, or vocational school.

It is open to graduating seniors at Glenwood Springs High School.
Aaron Roberts-Gray was a thoughtful and hardworking young man.


The show is made possible by
The TKC Foundation and Season Sponsors
Susan & Larry Marx

Show Sponsors:

 Menendez Architects

Alice & Rick Bedard-Voorhees

Mike Stanton

Amira & John Cranor

Anonymous Donors 

This exhibition is made possible in part by a grant from the Thrift Shop of Aspen &
Wheeler Opera House (City of Aspen)
Arts Grant Program.