Opportunities for Sponsorship
Each show has a sponsor or series of sponsors. The sponsor makes a donation to the
Aspen Chapel Gallery, a percentage of which goes directly to the nonprofit partnering organization.
The sponsor mentions the Gallery and the specific show they are sponsoring in social media and emails.
They encourage friends and business associates to attend the opening to celebrate the
artists and support the partnering nonprofit, and consider purchasing a piece of art.
The name of the sponsor is on the show postcards, posters, mentioned in show press releases and PSA
announcements, and listed on the Gallery donor list. We encourage the partnering nonprofit
organization to mention the sponsor in their media, emails, press releases, etc.
Shelly & Dave Franklin
Carolyn & Bob Glah
LeeLee & Bill Harriman
Ruth Harris
Mimi & Ward Hauenstein
Tracy Hritz & Bruce Merrifield
Patty & Craig Heydenberk
Kathy Honea
Ellen & Bill Hunt
Ann H. Hyde
Jane Jenkins
Sandy & Peter Johnson
Gail & Ken Kuhns
Karin Lamar
Jim & Diane Light
Crispen & Bob Limacher
Sam Louras
Catherine Lutz
Carolyn & Tom Moore
Summers Moore
Mary Pat Mueller
Margie Musgrave & Frank Peters
Elizabeth Newman
Virginia & Rick Newton
Molly & Jon Peacock
Karen & Eric Peirson
Hensley & James Peterson
Peter Pendergast
Sara Ransford
Carolyn & Mike Rapp
Lynette Richardson
Jeanne Ruggles
Barbara Shaw
Sandy Simpson & Don Davidson
Lorraine & Pat Spector
Michael Stranahan
Nicole & Lex Tarumianz
Sue Tatem
Tori Thompson
Le Tran & Derek Ward
Vicki & Jim True
Barbara Reid & David Hyman
Robin Van Domelen
Heather & Nicholas Vesey
Donna & Tom Ward
Lara & Marc Whitley
Ellen Woods
Season Sponsors
Susan & Larry Marx
02 Aspen
Anonymous (6)
Alpine Bank
Sam Louras
Summers Moore
Kat & Jim Moser
Lynn Nichols & Jim Gilchrist
Molly & Jon Peacock
Pitkin County Dry Goods
Ellen Roeser
Marvin Rosenberg
Donna & Tom Ward
Arches Foundation for Artist Scholarships
Floreat Foundation for David Floria
The Thrift Shop of Aspen
Wheeler Opera House
(City of Aspen) Arts Grant Program
Kathleen Albert
Robert Albright
Amy & Neil Beidleman
Gina Berko & David Fleisher
Barbara Bloemsma
Liz & John Bokram
Elaine & Michael Bonds
DeDe Brinkman
Robert Camp
Constance Clancy
Sally Cole
Scotty Cooper & Tom Leddy
Lauren & Mark Cornish
Susan Cross
Jeannette Darnauer & Rob Merritt
Katelin Domoszlay
Susan Fesus
Carolyn Ethridge & Gregg Anderson
Carolyn Fields
Patty Fox
Let’s Work Together
Interested in becoming a partner with the gallery or being a sponsor for a show? Please contact Tom or Michael
at Info@aspenchapelgallery.org for more information.
For more information about the Aspen Chapel aspenchapel.org